By Brady Vaughn &

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Want to start a small business but aren't sure where to start? You're not alone. Many people aspireto own their own business someday, and this article elaborates on many great small business ideas andhow to start off on the right foot.
Small BusinessesAs with anything, you'll want to start off small and work your way up. Don't start out spending hugeamounts of money on something you're not positive your small business ideas are going to work out. Even if you are sure it will work, start out small anyway, because you never know what might happen. Advertise and give people a chance to hear about you, and the more money you make, the more people you can hire, and the more your business will be able to grow. Many people don't succeed the first time, but if your idea is only starting out small, you haven't lost much. If you do succeed the first time, more power to you, and hopefully your business will prosper for many years after.
IdeasThe following is a list of small business ideas that have been explained a little further and elaboratedon:
-small photography businessIf you like to take pictures and you're skilled at it, try to start out small by landing some photographygigs taking pictures of bands at concerts, weddings, proms, and maybe even senior pictures. The better andmore pictures you take, the more people will hear about you. Advertise yourself, make business cards, andonce you get enough money, you will be able to open up a small photography studio and your business will growfrom there.-small catering businessThis is a good idea for those who love to cook and organize food. You can get small jobs every now and thencatering things such as weddings or company parties. Get your name out and don't pass up any opportunities.Advertise and make yourself known. You can set your own prices, so set them so that you make a good profit but don't go way over the top with the expenses.-small house-cleaning businessMany people have successful careers cleaning homes. Depending on how much work you do and how good you are at the job, you can set your prices accordingly. Start by offering to clean a friend's or family member's home, and let people know that you do this. Again, people will hear about you, and if you're a thoroughcleaner, people will talk about you and recommend you as well.-small daycare businessIf you've got extra time during the day that you can or would like to devote to children, why not open up asmall daycare business? If you know any mothers that go to school, offer them this service. Offer to takecare of your friends' children during the day. Keep your home a clean and fun environment for the children,and tell people about your new business.
Starting a business can either be hard or very simple. It's all up to you and how you do it. With this listof small business ideas you can be on your way in a few years. Think up some of your own small business ideasof things you love to do, so you can have a long, prosperous career that you love and you'll never get tiredof.

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and

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