To make certain your affiliate marketing mlm network clients are reputable with your affiliate mailing lists, insert one or two cards containing the names and addresses of friends who will inform you should they receive a second mailing from your list customer. Receipt of such a second mailing is proof that your list was copied. The contract must specify that the list customer pays the postage on all pieces and pays you the agreed rate for the use of your list. If you are to do the mailing, you will prepare address labels from the cards in your list file, affix these labels to your list customer’s mail, and then take the mail to the post office.
By the time your card files expand sufficiently to provide you with enough names that you can lease your list, you will probably have at least one person working for you. Your employees can handle the preparation of the labels and the mailing of your list customer’s mailing while you tend to the daily routine of your major business effort.
Since there is no limit to the number of times you can lease your mailing list to other companies, it can eventually be a substantial source of supplementary income for you. In fact, there may be times when you are using your list to prepare mailings for several other companies simultaneously.
When you first begin to use or lease your affiliate marketing mlm network mailing list, you will be working on a relatively small scale, with perhaps one to two thousand names. Names and addresses can be typed directly on perforated sheets of gummed labels using carbon paper to produce five or more copies at the same time. As you gain more list customers, the names and addresses can be typed on either a paper offset master or on a mimeograph stencil and printed directly on perforated, gummed labels. Remember to use the special offset typewriter ribbon when typing offset masters.
Mimeograph will be the cheapest method and is perfectly adequate for this affiliate marketing mlm network purpose. But an advantage paper offset masters have, which is not shared by mimeograph stencils for mailing lists, is that additional offset masters can be printed before printing address label sheets. These duplicate masters can later be used to print more labels, eliminating the tedious job of retyping to cut more mimeograph stencils.
The value of your mailing lists to the company which leases them is in their accuracy. In other words, the names on your lists must be of persons who actually live at the addresses on your lists. People die, get married, and change their names, move away, go into military service and etc. This means that as time passes some of the names on your lists become dead names, persons no longer reachable at the addresses given. Mail to dead names is wasted and the money it costs for materials, preparation, and postage is completely lost. If you do nothing to keep the names on your lists alive, they will soon become worthless to you as a source of income.
Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and Join him on Myspace and add him as a friend at .
By Brady Vaughn &
Monday, November 17, 2008
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