By Brady Vaughn &

Monday, November 17, 2008


Orders and labels are mailed to each supplier with payment for the wholesale cost of the merchandise. Your work is finished except for depositing your profit into your bank account. The difference between the amount of money the customer sent you and the wholesale cost of the merchandise is all gross profit for you.
When the supplier receives your order and labels he fills each order, packing and wrapping it, pastes your label on the package, adds postage and mails it directly to your customer. Your check for the wholesale price of the merchandise is deposited by the supplier. The customer receives his order promptly and usually will be well satisfied. Drop ship suppliers are businessmen, and to succeed they must handle orders rapidly and maintain the quality of their merchandise. You seldom need worry on this account. Most drop ship suppliers depend wholly upon small mail order companies like yours for their business. They want you to succeed because the more you sell the more money they will earn.
Very rarely will drop shipped merchandise for affiliate business internet marketing online be returned to you for refund in compliance with your guarantee. Refund the customer’s money promptly.
You should, if possible, arrange with your suppliers to return unwanted merchandise to them for credit. In most cases they will agree to this. You merely forego your profit on the merchandise returned, plus the cost of shipment back to the supplier. Control of a drop ship operation and the filing system you need are exactly the same. The only difference is that you do not personally handle the actual merchandise. Your files and their functions are exactly the same as if you purchased the merchandise for resale and shipped it to your customers yourself.
As you are composing the copy for your mailing pieces, you will probably have to type it over several times, making it tighter, giving it sparkle and emotional impact. If you have established the length of typed line you need to fit a certain space, be sure to average out over-runs with short lines as you type.
In writing copy for your major sales pitch, type everything you can imagine that the affiliate business internet marketing online product will do for the reader if he buys. Use simple words and phrases. In many cases complete sentences are not desired since they add words without adding information an you have no room for words which are not working hard.
Polish and tighten your copy as often as necessary to get as many of the most important points into the fewest words. If the copy is quite usable as written, you may be able to tighten it further. It would be preferable to eliminate divided words at ends of lines to save space and make the copy look better. A bit more work on the copy and you probably will end up with better work.
If you want to have illustrations on your mailing piece, you have two choices: line art or photographs for yoru affiliate business internet marketing online. Line art is the least expensive to use.

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and Join him on Myspace and add him as a friend at .
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1 comment:

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