By Brady Vaughn &

Saturday, November 22, 2008


If your website is taking off and getting a lot of traffic, and you want to find a way to make some money from it, then affiliate programs might be for you. Some people are understandably a little hesitant about the kind of advertising they use on their sites - after all, everyone has had the experience of logging onto a website and being bombarded with pop up ads and then struggling to find the content you were looking for stuck between gobs and gobs of advertising. One visit to these websites and you’re not likely to look back. However, with affiliate programs, you can find a tasteful way to add advertising to your website without making it look tacky, and you might even bring your readers something that is useful to them.
Affiliate programs are something many people have heard of, but few people really understand. So, just what are they? Affiliates are companies with whom you have an arrangement to allow them to advertise on your website, and you receive a commission every time on of your readers clicks on one of their ads. In some cases, you will be paid by the affiliate a set for allowing their ads on your website. In other cases, you’ll only get paid per click - sometimes, just a base fee for a click and sometimes a fee for the click plus a bonus if those customers actually end up purchasing something from the affiliate company. If you get a lot of traffic on your website, you can demand higher fees. Like paying for advertising during one of the most popular programs on TV or during a popular radio program, a busy website is prime territory for advertising, because more people means more potential customers and more sales.
Affiliate advertising is usually fairly inconspicuous and tasteful on a website. It is usually run on the side of the site and is often enclosed in its own text box. There are generally three or four blurbs of advertisement in each “set” of affiliate marketing. The blurbs contain a headline, a line or two of explanatory text, and a link off to the affiliate company.
The reason affiliate programs can be so much better than run of the mill advertising is that they can be targeting specifically for your site - in some cases, you can target them to specific pieces of content. For instance, if you write about books on your site, if you run a book review of a certain author; you can add affiliate advertising to that page that gives readers a direct link to buy the book you are talking about. This technique allows you to make the advertising less intrusive on your site, because it fits in and is useful. It also increases the chance of you making extra money from your advertising. If you are advertising things that you know will relevant to your readers - and you know what will be relevant to them, because they’re on your site, reading the content you have created - then you will increase the chance that they will click on that advertising and buy something. Affiliates are a great way to tap into your site’s earning potential.

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and

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