Offset plates, whether metal or paper, differ from the metal type used in affiliate marketing software printing in that they are smooth surfaced and the type on page. Furthermore, the type on the plate is made so it repels water and accepts an oily ink. On the press, the plate transfers the ink to a rubber mat, and the mat offsets the ink onto the paper to be printed.
Metal plates, usually made of a thin sheet of flexible aluminum, are more costly than paper plates, but they have long lives and can make thousands of impressions. They are used for long or repeated print runs where the copy is unlikely to require change soon. Metal plates are usually cleaned after a run is completed and stored for re-use.
Paper plates are inexpensive and are often used for short print runs of a few hundred to several thousand copies. They wear out and new plates must be made for the next print run. Paper plates are generally more widely used when the copy is expected to be changed from time to time, or for dated material which will not be reprinted.
Also available is a kind of paper plate which you can type on yourself. These are useful for printing small quantities of second chance sales letters or other advertising which you want to appear as typewritten.
The camera-ready copy that is photographed for affiliate marketing software plate making will usually consist of typeset material pasted in position on a piece of art board. This board is called a mechanical. The mechanical can be made from a letterpress proof that has been cut apart and the copy blocks pasted in position. But frequently copy for offset printing is not set in metal but is set in cold type, using one of several methods of photocomposition. Photocomposition is a very versatile technique of typesetting. Type set by photocomposition is produced as black type on white paper, which is used just like a letterpress proof in preparing mechanicals.
Your typesetter or printer may make mechanicals for you, but using the proofs and a razor blade, T-square and rubber cement, you can produce all your own mechanicals. Getting your copy set in metal or by photocomposition and then making your own mechanicals is a good way to obtain a great deal of leeway in the design of your advertising material while keeping costs at an absolute minimum.
There are a number of choices open to you which will increase your affiliate marketing software sales and therefore your income. Depending on the particular type of business you have, you can consider adding additional products or services or both. These should be of a sort which will tie in with your operation and be of interest to the customers whose names are in your completed file as well as those who read your ads.
A tie-in product is one which can be used in the same field in which your main product is intended for use.
Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and Join him on Myspace and add him as a friend at .
By Brady Vaughn &
Monday, November 17, 2008
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