Do not use your checking account to hold excess funds which are not needed in the conduct of your affiliate marketing ebook business in the near future. Very few checking accounts pay interest and idle money should be put to work. It belongs in a savings account but not in the bank which handles your checking account.
Savings and loan associations and savings societies consistently pay higher rates of interest than commercial banks and savings and loan associations. Most of these pay interest from day of deposit to day of withdrawal, with interest compounded daily and credited quarterly. Such accounts earn the most money on your excess funds.
Suppliers generally offer a small discount on invoices if paid within a specific period, usually 10 to 30 days from receipt. This prompt payment discount can range to two to three percent and occasionally higher. Even if it is only a fraction of one percent, it is still a saving of money. Always pay bills promptly if a discount is offered. Otherwise pay the net amount within the usually 30 days allowed.
When purchasing in large quantities, it is not usually necessary to accept delivery all at one time. Most suppliers will stagger shipments to you at intervals you specify, in effect providing free storage for you and reducing the amount of space you need for your inventory. This also assures you of always receiving fresh merchandise.
Your printer can help save you money. Consider his suggestions regarding printing methods, copy affiliate marketing ebook composition, and choice of paper weight, surface and quality. Use the least costly methods which will produce acceptable results. A large part of your overhead expenses are represented by printing costs. Savings in this area can be important over a period of time. Your printer will also offer lower per-unit prices for larger printing runs. Take advantage of these quantity prices if you are reasonably sure you will be able to use the additional material effectively.
Careful attention to the wording of your classified ads to reduce the number of words and lines of type while still retaining a hard-hitting message will reduce advertising costs. Savings can be used to place ads in additional periodicals, reaching more potential customers and increasing your profits.
Most periodicals offer a lower price per insertion if you contract to place your ad a specified number of times each year. Since you will be running your ad several times a year in each periodical you use, take advantage of this savings and contract for the number of insertions which suit your advertising campaign.
You may eventually decide to place all your ads through an advertising agency. While this service costs you nothing, it doesn’t save anything but a small amount of money in postage. However, it can save you time which you can use to advantage in other phases of the operation of your business.
Other money-savings ideas, which can really add up, include leasing or selling your files or names and addresses for your affiliate marketing ebook and accurately keeping records of all business expenses. Business expenses are deductible in full as legitimate costs of doing business and will keep your income taxes at the legal minimum.
Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and Join him on Myspace and add him as a friend at .
By Brady Vaughn &
Monday, November 17, 2008
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