By Brady Vaughn &

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


No business can survive with a good customer service policy. This includes online businesses and free online business ideas. There are many ways that an online business can offer customer service. Which method or methods will work best for you? That depends on the nature of your service or products, and the level of customer service that your customers will demand from you. The best way to impress your customers is to provide them with fast and easy problem resolution. Anyone call sell you something, but not everyone can fix a problem to your satisfaction.
If you choose to offer telephone support to your online customers, be sure to include a 1-800 number for those customers who may be out of your local area for free online business ideas. E-mail is another option, although not a very impressive one as your customer is left waiting for an answer to their question. Live chat is going to be the best option for impressing the customer with your willingness and ability to resolve their issues. If your site is designed correctly, you can provide this live chat right on your home page. Live chat is especially useful when utilizing the services of a work at home customer service agent when considering free online business ideas. That person will be able to go about their business and listen for the audio alert that most live chat programs will use to signal the start of a new conversation.
The most important thing you can do to impress your online customer is to make sure you have a variety of ways for them to contact you in case they have a problem or question for free online business ideas. Make sure that when they do get hold of you, they do not get a machine. This is very frustrating for even the most patient customer and will, unfortunately, leave a very bad taste in their mouth. This is grounds for losing a customer. There is always some company, somewhere, who will service your customer if you do not. Be sure that your customer is so impressed by your good service that they will come back to you again and again. The optimal situation would be for them to return and bring more business with them.
What is the best refund policy for your business? The answer to this question depends on the size of your business, the nature of your business, and the product being returned for free online business ideas. The optimal time to set these policies is before you ever open up for business. A refund policy that is set prior to the start of business and that is clearly stated to the customer at the time of purchase will help to avoid any problems in the future. There will, of course, be extenuating circumstances that you will need to handle on a case by case basis.
The most important thing you can do to protect yourself is to make sure that your refund policy is clearly stated at the cash register and on customer receipts. This eliminates the possibility that the customer can say that he/she was not made aware of your policies. Ensure that all of your employees are also aware of the store’s refund policies and that they follow them to the letter.

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and

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