By Brady Vaughn &

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Multi Level Marketing and The Mannatech Story

There are plenty of stories around about multi level marketing opportunities gone bad and lots of multi level marketing groups that have turned out to be nothing more than one big scam. A frequent target of criticism among those against multi level marketing is the company Mannatech. Mannatech has been the subject of several lawsuits regarding both their sales practices and the validity of the claims they make about their products. The group is frequently charged to be cult like, and they are not afraid to mix religion into their recruitment messages. Learning the story of Mannatech is a good way to understand more about multi level marketing in general and how to spot a legitimate opportunity from one that will roll through your life like a tornado.
First, an introduction: Mannatech sells “nutritional supplements.” In particular, they stress a concept called “glyconutrition” which they claim can works at a cellular level to help you achieve good health. They claim that the nutrients they provide in their product cannot be produced in significant enough amounts by your body and that they cannot be received through diet alone. To back up their claims about their products, Mannatech has frequently claimed that the scientist behind the glyconutrition field won the Noble Peace Prize in 1994, and then later that he won a Noble Prize in 1999.
The problem with these claims is that they are so easily disprove. First, naturally, the Noble Peace Prize is not awarded for advances in medicine, and in 1994, that prize went the brokers of that years Middle East Peace Accord. In 1999, the no Noble Prize was awarded for glyconutrition – in fact, none ever has been. However, the company has indoctrinated its sales staff with this information, and they continue to use it as a sales tool, despite the fact that it is plainly incorrect.
Mannatech detractors say that the glyconutrition supplements that they are selling are nothing more than simple sugar pills. Mannatech is very careful on their company website to stress that these are nutritional supplements, but according to many court cases brought by former Mannatech reps and by Mannatech customers, behind the scene reps are taught to tell people that these pills can cure anything from migraines to Parkinson’s Disease. Their reps disseminate this information in person and online, while the head office is very careful to distance themselves from the claims on one hand while encouraging their reps to go out and spread it.
Is Mannatech a scam? There’s no middle ground in that question. Their reps are fiercely loyal, and their detractors consider them to be among the worst multi level marketing scams out there. Before you join their ranks, you should evaluate the program carefully and make sure it is right for you. There is plenty of information on the internet for both sides, so doing your homework should protect you from making the wrong decision for yourself and getting in over your head with Mannatech.

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and

1 comment:

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