If you have been considering options to start your own business, or even if you haven’t, there is a good chance that you have come across a multi level marketing business opportunity. These companies run infomercials all the time, and they also advertise heavily online, in magazines and in newspapers. Their claims of fast money and easy work are definitely enticing – after all, who doesn’t like the idea of working an hour or so a day and making tens of thousands of dollars at a time? But is multi level marketing a viable option for you? Could it be your first step on the road to easy street, or will it be the seeds for a financial disaster? There are several different factors that go into answering this question.
First and foremost, before you consider any multi level marketing opportunity, you have to make sure that it is not a scam. Many of them are. How can you tell the difference? Well, the first give away is a company that emphasizes recruiting new representatives to the ranks than they do selling the products. If the pitch contains lots of information about how you can make money by getting your family and friends on board, but is a little vague about what they are selling, then you should run in the other direction. You should also pay attention to the product itself. Is it reasonably priced? Many multi level marketing scams price their products so high that you have no hope of making a profit on the margin. Also, ask yourself about the market for the product. Is there a lot of competition? Is it something that seems like it could easily be sold in a retail store? If it is, then you have to ask yourself why the company isn’t selling it there rather than getting inexperienced sales people to go out and do the selling for them. Some things lend themselves well to a multi level marketing set up, but others don’t, and you’ll need to do your market research to learn the difference.
Next, assess your own abilities realistically. Despite what the multi level markers pitch might say, selling in this way is hard work. It requires a great deal of talent as a sales person and a great deal of time to get the business off the ground. You need to learn to make a good pitch for your product at appropriate times and how to close a sale. The vast majority of people lack the skills for successful multi level marketing. Do you have them? Further, do you have the time to commit to making the business grow? You can forget working an hour a day – you’re going to have to put blood, sweat and tears into this like you would any business. Do you have the time to give?
Answering these questions will help you decide if multi level marketing is really something you could succeed at. Don’t jump in without figuring them out.
Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at www.LegendaryProfits.com and www.pluginprofitsite.com/main-24317.
By Brady Vaughn & www.LegendaryProfits.com
Friday, January 9, 2009
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