Is that multi level marketing business opportunity that has come your way a real, viable option, or is it just a scam? Chances are that it sounds pretty tempting and like it can’t fail. In reality, multi level marketers always know all the right buttons to push and they’re excellent at convincing people that a destined to fail idea is really a golden opportunity. Before you pay that sign up fee and sign on the dotted line, here are the things you need to know about multi level marketing. These facts may make you turn around and run for the door.
The story of the founding the multi level marketing company for which you want to sign up is likely to be some variation of the “American dream.” The founder of the company will likely be presented as someone who was down on their luck and who took the last little bit of money they had and built it into an empire. Now they want to teach you to do the same, so you can live the good life while barely having to work for it. The reality of the situation is really quite different. Instead of barely working, you have to work extremely hard to make in the world of multi level marketing. No way will you succeed working for an hour or two every day as they say in their pitches. No way do the sales just start rolling into you like magic. You need to put in your blood, sweat and tears, just like any other business. In fact, you may have to put in more than a normal business.
This fact brings up another good point about multi level marketing businesses: the notion that a lot of people getting involved in them are hoping to get rich quick without working hard. Is the chance to avoid work ever a good, solid reason for starting a business? It sounds more like a recipe for failure, and even if you’re not the one of the ones who is joining a multi level marketing program in hopes of dodging hard work, the fact remains that many are. They have succeeding in giving these organizations a bad name, and so you will be met with that much more resistance.
This resistance is the last part of the wake up call about multi level marketing. When they are making their pitches, multi level marketers make it sound like you’ll fall over backwards into sales. They also assure you that your family and friends will LOVE to be your customers. Typically, however, your sales tactics will cause tension in your relationships. They’re not likely to receive a warmer welcome from strangers either. Making sales and convincing people to join multi level marketing plans is really difficult, and for some people who don’t have a thick skin, the process can be extremely unpleasant.
Multi level marketing can and has worked for many people, but you need to evaluate the situation honestly before jumping in for the best chance of success.
Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and
By Brady Vaughn &
Friday, January 16, 2009
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