By Brady Vaughn &

Friday, January 2, 2009

How To Find Work-At-Home Opportunities

You may have heard the many success stories derived from people who work at home. You may want to tryit and be interested in how to find the right job for you. In fact, that is probably why you're readingthis article. Keep reading--you'll find information on where to look for certain types of jobs, as wellas things to watch out for in your search for that perfect work-at-home job.
Small JobsSmall jobs over the Internet include things such as survey taking and blogging. These jobs don't earnyou much money, but they can be worth a few bucks here and there. Some survey websites will pay you totake their surveys, and they'll pay anywhere from two to twenty dollars per survey. It depends on thesite and the survey itself. If you become a member of a site that pays you to take their surveys, youwill be able to take them and get paid, but you might not recieve them often. Maybe once or twice a month but usually no more than this. As mentioned it really depends on the site. Blogging is the same.Blogging over the Internet is a good way to earn a couple bucks every now and then, but the money usuallyisn't immediate. It's probably transferred to some kind of account that you have to set up online andfrom there is transferred to your bank account. If you wish, set up such an account and try out some paidsurvey and blogging sites that you feel are legitimate. If they pay, that's a little extra money for you.And everyone knows we could all use extra money! Finding opportunities like this involves going to any sitethat claims to pay for bloggers and survey takers. Lots of these opportunities are scams, but if you look,you'll end up with a site good for what they offer.
Temporary/Part Time JobsThese jobs are usually doing things such as writing, editing and proofreading online. If you're a personwho is good with grammar or editing, consider such a job online. If you find the right person or opportun-ity you can get some pretty good money. The best ways to find jobs such as these is to explore the Inter-net. Go on some local job sites and search for these types of jobs. Send resumes to several employers andyou may have yourself a job. Send out several resumes though--the first one you send out more than likelywon't cut it. These jobs tend to be a little more legitimate than blogging or survey taking, but there arestill scams out there.
Large/Full Time JobsJobs like this are usually working on the Internet for large online companies. Chatroom or social websites,(ex. job sites (ex., advertising sites, selling, buying and trading sites (, and others are where the real money is at online. You'll have to visit sites like these and find a way to contact someone that works with that site. Send them a resume and ask if there are any open positions for people who are looking to work from home. Some have open spots and some don't. It's all a matter of how much you look.

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and

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