Many kids drop out of high school at a young age. Something happened in high schoool that upset the child andhe or she dropped out without really considering the consequences first. Today, not many jobs will hire youwithout at least a high school diploma, and pretty much no college will accept you. But these kids can't justsit their entire lives and do nothing. So what's the solution? Working from home.
There are plenty of online jobs out there that will hire people with no degree or diploma. In fact, most don'teven ask. Some want experience, and these kids may have that experience. If not, there's always other jobs theycan do. Lots of Internet jobs will accept workers regardless of their education status or age, as long as theperson is qualified to do the job. Furthermore, just because someone dropped out of high school doesn't mean they're not intelligent and that they can't work. They're plenty capable (most of them), and it's just a matterof discovering a job that suits their talents. Most of these jobs don't care that you've got no diploma. Thesekids probably stay at home a lot anyway, so why not better themselves with an online job?
Online jobs such as writing, editing or working for a large online company will give the kids something to puton future job applications that looks very good. It shows that the person took responsibility for something andprobably that the person has the experience that company is looking for. Even the kids who have graduated fromhigh school could stand to have a work-at-home job, because they look so good on applications. It would reallysay something for the kids who didn't graduate. Not only will they have a job and be bringing income into thehome, they would be able to save up for things they need such as cars and homes. It's a great opportunity forthe child to take on some responsibility and to help out in some areas.
There are jobs online such as writing and editing jobs, and people with good or exceptional grammatical skillswould be able to do these jobs. Proofreading is the same. Blogging and survey taking doesn't really require awhole lot of skill toward anything, but then again that's why they don't pay very well. Getting jobs with largeonline companies such as eBay or Amazon could be particularly tricky, and they are most likely to be the peoplewho want experienced workers. But not every single one of the jobs like this require something that kids can't do, and if the child searches adequately, they'll find one that suits what they can do, as well as their likesand dislikes.
Working at home does many things for the child. If the child was considering reentering school, working at homecould give them the good push they need to take that extra step and go back to get their diploma. They wouldn't even have to quit the online job. Working from home makes unflexible schedules a lot easier to work around. That'sone of the great things about it as well.
Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and
By Brady Vaughn &
Thursday, January 1, 2009
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