By Brady Vaughn &

Monday, October 20, 2008

Drill Here! Drill Now!

Barak Hussein Obama LIED!
Thats right, he lied. What, you may ask, did he lie about? I can tell you one thing I know for sure that I know for sure he lied about. I will tell you, but first let me introduce myself.
My name is Brady Vaughn, and I live in a very rural community in the west central portion of Louisiana. I have a very extensive background in the natural gas and oilfields of Louisiana. My oilfield background goes back 20 years. I am not an expert! I do, however, know enough about the industry to say that Barak has lied on many occasions about one thing for sure.
What has he lied about? OIL! And how long it would take for gas prices to go down if we started drilling today in this country. If he will lie about one thing, he will lie about another, and I'm sure he already has. I am not here to list all of his lies, only the one that I know for a fact he is lying about.
He has stated that if we started drilling today in this country (USA), it would take 10 years for it to effect the price at the pump. Honestly, I don't know if he seriously believes this, or if he just thinks that you and I are dumb enough to buy his lie. I think that Mr. Obama is covering something up here.
Let me explain briefly how the oil drilling and refining industries work:
First, the oil and gas companies must know where to find the oil and gas. That part has already been done. Well, for the most part anyway. You see, we already know where there are huge quantities of oil and natural gas are right now. Enough to last over 250 years at todays consumption. Oil companies are not going to spend anymore money exploring for these reserves if the government doesn't let them start drilling it. Understand this, there is absolutely no $profit$ in exploring if the oil companies cannot drill. Exploration costs millions of dollars. Many times when they explore new fields, which may cover thousands of square miles, they find NOTHING! This is a little expensive. They must drill more to explore more. DUH!!!!!!! The Libs don't get it. They must think that gasoline comes from pumps at convenience stores, just like green beans come from a can! OK, I'll get off my soapbox. Well, kinda...
Next, they have to draw up lease contracts with the land owners, for every single well that they drill. This could mean thousands of contracts in a single field. This is an ongoing process for a bunch of lucky lawyers.
Once the contracts start getting approved and signed, the drilling starts. Up until this point the whole process has taken about 3 months not counting the exploration, which in this case has already happened years ago. Remember, we already know where plenty of oil and gas is at, all we must do now is drill.
The time spent drilling each well varies depending on the type of field, the type of formation being drilled into, and many other variables. Most wells can be drilled and flowing in 1 to 2 months. I am being very liberal with those numbers. I have seen gas wells drilled in as little as 2 weeks, and oilwells drilled in as little as 3 weeks. Once the well is drilled, the drilling rig moves to the next drilling site. This may be only a few hundred feet away, or a mile down the road in a good field. Keep in mind, it takes less than a week for a drilling rig to move from one well to another and start drilling. Sorry Obama.
At most we now have about 4 to 5 months invested in this. A far cry from 10 years right? Just remember, we haven't gotten to the gas pump yet, but we are on our way!
I want you to picture in your mind, one of those huge white tanks that you see near refineries. If you do not know what I'm talking about, let me explain. They are about 100 feet tall, and as much as 2 football fields across. GIGANTIC! They hold millions of barrels of crude oil. Each refinery will have many of these tanks to hold crude oil coming in from the piplines. Most of these tanks are empty. When we drill oil, the crude oil comes up the well and into a 500 barrel tank on the oilwell location. Then a truck will come around everyday, sometimes several times a day depending on how much oil the well is producing, and load up 200 barrels and take it down the road to a sell point and pump it into the pipeline. The crude oil is then pumped to the nearest refinery, that day, and placed into one of the gigantic white tanks. Waiting to be turned into that precious substance that we all know as gasoline. A process that only takes a few hours once the crude oil leaves the tank and starts through the refinery.
Once the crude oil is converted into gasoline, it is then placed back on a tanker truck and taken to its final destination, a convenience store. The whole process has taken about six months.
6 Months may seem like a long time, but it has never seemed like 10 years to me. We are six months away from having $1.50 gasoline again. All we have to do is DRILL! The Arabian countries are still paying less than $1.00 a gallon, and we taught them how to get it out of the ground.
By the way, when an oilfield is opened by the government for drilling, the oil companies don't just bring one drilling rig. They bring hundreds of drilling rigs. They bring thousands of jobs in the process.
If you are in an area that oil or natural gas has been discovered but not drilled, DO NOT vote for Obama. He will not drill. He will not help your local economy. He is a liar! He is not good for this country. We need to drill here and drill NOW! If you cannot vote for McCain, then vote against Obama. He is lying today, and will continue to lie to you tomorrow.
Thank You!

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at . Join him on Myspace and add him as a friend at .
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