By Brady Vaughn &

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Have a Little Extra Time on Your Hands? Work at Home

Time is money. Almost everyone has at least heard of a work-at-home job. A lot of people think that it is a waste of time because there is not a fortune of money to be made for the amount of work. Some people have immediately dismissed the idea because they do not have the time or even want to work. A lot of people think that these type of jobs are all scams. most people do not pay attention to these jobs for various reasons. But, if you have the time and the need to succeed, you should consider this.
Why work at home? With all of the things you could do with your extra time, most people would not be interestedin spending this time working. But instead of going shopping with your girlfriends or taking a nap, why not make a little extra cash? The effort to be put in may not sound appealing, but how about making about twenty orthirty extra bucks with a few hours?
How else will this help? These jobs will not only put a little extra spending money in your pocket, but they canalso help you land another job. These types of jobs still count and will look great on any sort of an applicationwhether it is a college or job application. These jobs can also help you improve some skills. Since most of thesepositions involve writing of some sort, you will no doubt improve you writing, typing and computer skills.
What are the disadvantages? There are a few downfalls to working at home. One is that it seems like a lot ofwork for little pay. When faced with this dilemma, remember that these jobs are not highly-skilled jobs that youmust be educated for. So, obviously they will not make you a fortune. But, they will still help you. Another is that these jobs can be very time-consuming. But, if you have a little extra time on your hands, why not turnit into cash? Also, like any other job, it will require time and effort.
These sorts of jobs are also easier to get than a regular job. There are some small application requirementsto these jobs, but you never have to leave your home. There are no interviews and you need almost no education.The chances of being rejected while applying for a work-at-home job are much smaller than a regular job application process. There is still competition for these jobs, but definitely not as much.
If you are a high school student, stay-at-home mom, or just someone who is looking for a great way to spend thatextra time, consider working at home. There are many benefits to a few small downfalls. Working at home is notfor everyone, so if you are not sure that you are willing to dedicate the time and effort required for thisposition, save it for someone who will. But, if you have some extra time and want to make some money, workat home.

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Go To School, Work At Home Business Opportunties For Students

Lots of high-school and college students find themselves needing jobs while they are attending school. However, lots of jobs will not hire these students because of their limitations on their schedules. After all, most students are only able to work in the mid afternoons and into the evenings. Lots of places have these spots filled. So what's the answer? How can college kids and high-school kids still work while attending school? They can work at home.
Working at home saves time. Kids won't have to worry about getting home from school and rushing upstairs for a shower and a change of clothes, all the while trying to stuff a bite to eat down their throats before they've got to go to work. They will be able to simply come home when it's convenient for them and do the work at their own pace. They can work all night, or they can work for an hour. They can even possibly do their work at school if there is free time. It's their choice.
Working at home not only saves you time, it saves you money as well. Maybe the child working does not have gas money to get to work. Maybe he's short for bus fare as well, and his parents are at work. What is he to do? He may not have timeto walk or it could be pouring rain outside. Working at home, the child will not have to worry about how he will get back and forth to work, because he lives at his work. Money for gas is no longer a problem.
Looks Good
Doing clerical, accounting, writing, editing or proofreading jobs at home online will look great on many things when the child gets older. It will look good on college applications as well as job applications. It will show the employers thatthe child was responsible in high school and that he has the skills he needs to be able to do that job well. Colleges will see that the child was able to take on more responsibilities than just school. They will want him as well. These onlinejobs will also give the child more experience about what it's like to work and have to meet deadlines, as well as giving the child the necessary work skills he'll need later on in life.
Making Money Online

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and

Monday, December 29, 2008

Work From Home: Ten Dollar Home Business

Work From Home: Ten Dollar Home Business

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and

Get Fast Cash: Work From Home

Lots of people are looking for jobs. In today's economy, these can be quite rare or hard to find. Lots of people go outevery day and fill out application after application and get no calls back. Well, now there is an easier way. Would youlike to know how to make cash fast without the fuss and competition? Here it is: work from home. If you have access to the Internet, a few extra hours per day, and some knowledge of computers and Word Processing, then you are on your wayto making that extra buck!
Freelance Writing. Among the many kinds of work from home jobs, freelance writing is among the most highly paid, but also takes the most skill and dedication. In order to do this work, you must be able to write and speak intelligently and communicate correctly so that your articles can be understood. This includes good grammar and communication skills.You must have Internet access. Also required is dedication. If you do not have the time to devote to this sort ofposition, do not try to take on the responsibility. Here is how it works: once you land the job, your employer will sendyou a certain amount of assignments per day or week. Sometimes, however, there is no work for a period of time. Onceyou receive these assignments, there will also be a deadline. You should then complete the assignments and send them backto your boss. More than likely, if you do not complete all of them by the deadline, you will not get paid at all. But, ifyou think you have what it takes to be a freelance writer and have full Internet access, go for it!
Surveys. This is yet another great way to make money over the Internet. Usually, what you should do is find a good,legitimate website that pays you to complete surveys. If you have to pay for this position, do not! It make no sense topay for a job. But, when you find a legitimate survey site, register and then start making money. You will probably haveto complete a small survey before receiving any paid surveys in order to see what surveys you qualify for. Then, you willbegin to receive the paid surveys. Once completed, you will get paid about fifty cents to two dollars per survey via a PayPal account. Most of the time, though, you have to wait until you have collected at least twenty-five dollars in yoursurvey sites account to actually receive payment.
Blogging. This type of work is almost like freelance writing. Basically, you are paid to go from site to site and writesmall paragraphs about a certain topic and link this paragraph back to your employer's website. For every good, usablelink, you will get paid about fifty cents.
Working from home is not for everyone. Some people do not have the time nor the dedication. Do not expect to make a fortuneworking from home. Chances are, you will not be able to support yourself and a family with this type of work. But, thesejobs are great for high school students or stay-at-home moms that are looking for a little bit of fast cash. If you haveIn

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and

Disadvantages of Working at Home

Although work-at-home jobs can be good opportunities for temporary, part-time jobs, they are really not as great as a lot of people think. It would be great to have a job that you can do whenever you want, never have to leave, and makea little extra cash, but there are some downfalls. There are a few advantages to these types of jobs, but let's look at thedisadvantages.
Scams. 95 percent of the work-at-home opportunities advertised all over the Internet is scams. These are just companieslooking to sell you their product, which, in this case, is a "job." But, you should and will never have to pay for areal, legitimate job. That's just an oxymoron. Most of these offers are scams.
Time. Work at home jobs can be quite time consuming. A lot of these jobs require long hours of sitting at the computerand typing. This is a lot of effort and thinking in some cases. The retribution is small. Sometimes, you may only getpaid fifty cents for some sort of assignment.
You will never make a really good income from a work-at-home job. Some positions, such as freelance writing, are betterthan others, but none of them will make you enough money to be able to support yourself or a family. They only put a little extra cash in your pocket. This is useful if you are a stay-at-home mom or a high school or college student, but,if you are looking for a good, high-paying job, work-at-home jobs will not do the trick.
Deadlines. With some writing jobs, you will receive deadlines. If you have a lot of work to do and you only complete aportion of it, you do not get paid even for what you did. It is all or nothing. This can be very stressful and infuriating sometimes; you may fall short one assignment and lose out on fifty dollars.
It is becoming quite hard to find a work-at-home job. A lot of these positions look great in the advertisements and theyprovide lots of extraordinary testimonials, but these are scams. None of those jobs are legitimate. It is very hardto find a legitimate work-at-home job that you do not have to pay for. There is only a very small amount of peopleand companies looking for writers and bloggers; you just have to get lucky or be the best in applying to one of thesepositions. The number of real people needing people to do work over the Internet is decreasing. Most of the "people thatlook like they want to hire are scams and people posting fake e-mails.
Work-at-home jobs can be very useful if you find one that is legitimate. They can put some good money in your pocket,depending on how much you work. But, basically, these jobs are a lot of hard work rewarded with little pay. So if you arelooking for a great job that you can support a family with, a work-at-home job is probably not the answer.

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and

Sunday, December 28, 2008

How Success University can Improve your Situation in 12 Months

Success University
Success University (SU) is designed to improve your situation 12 months, even if it is at first just to change your thinking. This is made possible by expert principles that not only will increase your knowledge but also will change your thinking.
As you work through each step of the Success University program, you are taught how to apply various principles that can help you obtain success way beyond your wildest dreams. This means improvement in relationships, finances, communication, confidence, mental health, and so on.
This life improvement program includes quite a few different components. One of the most important of all these is the 12 Pillars of Success. This program involves the implementation of monthly courses on various aspects of helping you increase your yearly revenue by 10% to 40%.
Each month worth of lessons is broken down into lengths of approximately 10 to 15 minutes worth of material read or viewed daily. Usually this material is studied five days a week for four weeks.
In addition to that, your SU enrollment includes weekly e-mails that are sent out. These informative e-mails are designed to enhance your overall training that takes placed within your first year in this program.
The purpose of these weekly e-mails is to help you master each topic presented in each month of your Pillars of Success Program. Furthermore, new strategies and exercises are presented within these messages sent are designed to advance your training even more.
In addition, these e-mail messages include weekly downloadable workbook files. In addition, follow-up questions and answers are presented to help make sure you are getting the most out of your SU training.
In addition to all of the above, you will also receive a monthly conference call. Well-known experts such as Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, Patricia Fripp, Bob Burg, Chris Widener and others, run these teleseminars.
Additional books, conference calls, weekly workbook files, and audio presentations are also distributed every single week. Some of the items that are sent during the week for those who are enrolled in the Success University program include the following:
* Goals 2003 - Creating a Life On Purpose" by author Tina Miller * "Converting New Year's Resolutions Into Reality" by Jeff Davidson * Jim Rohn's famous "Goals Workshop" * Bob Proctor's "Goals"
All of this information is said to be valued at a total of over $1,100. However, it is broken down into monthly payments. In addition, people who have enrolled in this program are able to enroll in their second month free.
The information provided to you is presented in a very informative way. At the same time, it is very entertaining and enriching. The way the material is presented you are apt to learn more than you would if you utilized other program.
Success University is designed to help you within the first 12 months, but also will affect every decision you make in life. You are likely to apply all that you learn no matter what path you take. Cherish this information.

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and


Time is money. Almost everyone has at least heard of a work-at-home job. A lot of people think that
it is a waste of time because there is not a fortune of money to be made for the amount of work. Some people
have immediately dismissed the idea because they do not have the time or even want to work. A lot of people
think that these type of jobs are all scams. most people do not pay attention to these jobs for various reasons.
But, if you have the time and the need to succeed, you should consider this.

Why work at home? With all of the things you could do with your extra time, most people would not be interested
in spending this time working. But instead of going shopping with your girlfriends or taking a nap, why not
make a little extra cash? The effort to be put in may not sound appealing, but how about making about twenty or
thirty extra bucks with a few hours?

How else will this help? These jobs will not only put a little extra spending money in your pocket, but they can
also help you land another job. These types of jobs still count and will look great on any sort of an application
whether it is a college or job application. These jobs can also help you improve some skills. Since most of these
positions involve writing of some sort, you will no doubt improve you writing, typing and computer skills.

What are the disadvantages? There are a few downfalls to working at home. One is that it seems like a lot of
work for little pay. When faced with this dilemma, remember that these jobs are not highly-skilled jobs that you
must be educated for. So, obviously they will not make you a fortune. But, they will still help you. Another
is that these jobs can be very time-consuming. But, if you have a little extra time on your hands, why not turn
it into cash? Also, like any other job, it will require time and effort.

These sorts of jobs are also easier to get than a regular job. There are some small application requirements
to these jobs, but you never have to leave your home. There are no interviews and you need almost no education.
The chances of being rejected while applying for a work-at-home job are much smaller than a regular job
application process. There is still competition for these jobs, but definitely not as much.

If you are a high school student, stay-at-home mom, or just someone who is looking for a great way to spend that
extra time, consider working at home. There are many benefits to a few small downfalls. Working at home is not
for everyone, so if you are not sure that you are willing to dedicate the time and effort required for this
position, save it for someone who will. But, if you have some extra time and want to make some money, work
at home.

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and

Could Multi Level Marketing Ruin Your Relationships?

When people discuss the negatives of multi level marketing arrangements, they usually focus on the propensities for scams to develop within multi level group ranks and for the way that poorly run multi level marketing scams could end in financial ruin for the person who decides to get involved in one of them. Bad multi level marketing scams have a way of targeting the most desperate among us, and they also target people who simply don’t know any better. The end result of all of this could be a person who has next to nothing to start with ending up with nothing at all in the bank. But that’s the financial fall out. What about the personal fall out? Do you have more to lose by getting involved in a multi level marketing business than just your bank balance? Could you end up losing your friends and loved ones as well? This often ignored by-product of multi level businesses gone wrong is very real, and it could easily happen to you.
First things first: it is important not to malign the entire field of multi level marketing. Some of these set ups are profitable for everyone involved and are completely legitimate businesses. But many of them are not, and by their very nature, you can’t get involved in a multi level marketing plan on your own. For better or worse, your friends and family are coming along for the ride, and that is where the trouble comes into the picture.
Why are your friends and family so important? Well, in multi level marketing, it’s all about the sale. You have to sell products, and you have to recruit new members (in the worst schemes, you don’t sell anything and all you do is recruit new members). But who will you sell to? Look around you. As you become introduced to a multi level marketing program and go through the “training” process, you will be told to go to friends, family, neighbors and acquaintances and to offer them the chance to join up. You’ll need to try and get them to buy things from you. You’ll need to try and convince them to pay membership fees and start selling to their friends like you’re doing to them.
You can see how this could all go horribly wrong. In most cases, your friends and family will resent you putting the hard sell on them – and the hard sell is usually the way it works in multi level marketing plans. Even if you host a “party” to sell your goods or introduce your services, the snacks and drinks are unlikely to ease the discomfort of the fact that your guest feel pressured to buy something from you. Pretty soon, your calls will go unanswered and your social life will dry up. No one wants their friendship exploited as a sales tool.
Multi level marketing is a way many people can make money, but ask yourself at what cost. Don’t get involved in a program that forces you to bleed your family and friends dry to make it.

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Advantages of Working at Home

Work-at-home jobs can be a great opportunity. Sometimes it can be stressful and time-consuming. Most of the time with these jobs, you can not earn a six-figure income and make a great living. However, it is a wonderful thing to have and can be very beneficial. There are some small disadvantages, but there are great aspects to these jobs. Here are just someof the advantages to work-at-home positions:
No degree required. In today's economy, a lot of employers will ask for that degree. A high school diploma is not enoughanymore to get a good job. However, with the work-at-home jobs, you do not even need a diploma. As long as you can showthat have the skills and knowledge required to take on the job, that is all you need. There are never any specialeducational requirements or years of training.
No age limits. Many kids in high school are searching for jobs. Most jobs out there will ask for at least a high schooldiploma. Most kids do not receive that until he or she is at least eighteen. But, before they turn a certain age, mostplaces will not hire. A lot of companies do not want to take on the responsibility of minor liabilities, so they stickage limits on the job requirements. 99 percent of work-at-home jobs do not require you to be eighteen or older, so thekids in high school can make some good money.
Save your money. No one likes to glance down at the gas gauge and realize that they need to spend that extra fifty dollarsto go fill up. Sometimes, you can not go to work because you do not have the gas. With a work-at-home job, you do nothave to get up in the morning and drive for thirty minutes. Thus, you are saving a lot of money on gas.
Set your own hours. Most people do not like to wake up at six-thirty in the morning and be in the office by eight. Then,they have to drive back home after work and get stuck in rush hour. With a work-at-home job, you can work as many hoursas you want, or even work all night and sleep all day. You can work in your pajamas and take breaks whenever youfeel like it. The only time requirements are deadlines. Other than that, you set your own hours every week.
Work-at-home jobs can be great for high school students, stay-at-home moms, or even just a temporary solution for aregular job-seeker. You can be your own boss, set your own hours, save money on gas, and there are no application orinterview processes. You do not have to get all dressed up and go in for the interview. You can work 23 hours per dayor two hours. These jobs will not take the place of a regular job, but they can be a great way to put some extra spendingcash in your pocket. If the opportunity for a work-at-home job presents itself to you, snag it!

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and

Friday, December 26, 2008

Ways To Not Be A lonely Home Based Business Owner

Owning your own business and working from home is a great opportunity. You have the freedom and ease to work when you want to. You also are able to make a living for yourself and keep the money that you make. However, there can be some drawbacks to working from home. One of those things is not having any co-workers.
While they may have gotten on your nerves when you had them, not having any co-workers can be kind of a downer. First of all there is no really anyone to discuss work issues with. There also are not any co-workers to have a drink with after work or go to lunch with. You are really by yourself. However, there are ways to minimize your alone time, even as a home based business owner.
There is a movement amongst young telecommuters to find ways to work near other while not really working with others. This is done by going to a local coffee shop that has Wi-Fi and working there. You will be able interact with others who are working separately. This may be better than working with people. This way there is no on the job conflicts to deal with. You are just telecommuters sharing a cup of coffee and friendly shop talk.
Another way to get out of the isolation of a home based business is to conduct some of your business something else. If you sell products from your home based business, take every opportunity to get out into the community and sell things. When fairs and other events are in town you need to be out there in the world. All of your marketing and promoting cannot be done online. Some people are never going to go looking for your services on the computer. However, they will take an interest if they meet you face to face.
Try to maintain a somewhat typical work schedule. If you are working a typical day shift you are still able to go out and have fun in the evenings. Since you work from home it is essential that you get out of the house on a regular basis. Make plans with friends or take yourself out to dinner or the park. Getting out of the house and interacting with others is the perfect way to make sure that you don’t get the home based business owner blues.
When you are working from home there is a tendency to take work with you to other parts of the house. This is a bad idea. If you are taking work with you to the dinner table or the sofa you will start to feel like work and home are one. While they are underneath the same roof, you do not want work and home to merge into this conglomerate. You want to leave work in the home office so that you don’t feel like it is infringing on the rest of your life. This should help you feel a little less isolated as a home based business owner.

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Market Your Website For Little To No Money


Your website can be marketed for little to no money. That’s right. There is no need to spend tons of money marketing your website. Get the word out about your website without going broke and with little effort.
When you are trying to promote your website, you should commit to the rule of three before you deem the method is not viable. Take the time to review the results and evaluate them by the leads and customers that each method creates. Once you see the results you can make up your mind whether or not you want to use the method again.
Search engine keyword optimization is a great, easy way to market your website. Search engines will pick up on the keywords and your site will come up in searches, leading prospective clients to your site. In order to use keywords you will need to locate the words that describe your product or service. Then you will need to place it strategically throughout your site. Generally four or five mentions of the keyword is a good way to go.
You should also have your site submitted to different search engines. There are services that will do this for you. or Site-See will submit your site for you. The fees for submission will range and increase according to how many submissions you want made.
Be sure to check search engines periodically to see how your site ranks. You can get a Google ranker on your home page and every time you go to your website you will be able to find out what the page rank for your site is. The ranker goes from 1-10.
Trying to outsmart the search engines is not a good idea. If you overload keywords you will end up getting your site getting label as spam. Do not repeat words over and over again just to get the ranking of your site increased. That will backfire on you and your site can get banned. Other things you should not do include inserting meta tags that are unrelated to page content. The usage of words that are not legal because of their color or size is also a no-no. Just play by the rules and build up interest in your site the legal and right way.
Take the time to join some online communities. Networking with people online is a great way to get your website noticed. After chatting with them it is easy to add in the fact that you have a website that you would like them to visit. Be patient with your site. An increase in page rankings will not occur over night. You will have to give your site some time to grow and more people to reach it. The sooner you start promoting it the sooner it will climb in the rankings. Once customers know that you are out there they will be sure to return if you offer good services. Stay on top of your internet marketing and promotion.

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tools You Can Use To Help You Build Your Business Plan

Creating a business plan is no easy task. If you have never made one up before you may not even know where to begin. If that is the case you should consider getting some helpful software to help you write your business plan. There are plenty of options out there for you to choose from.
Home based business owners should use software and resources to help develop their business plans. There are a number of different tools that can be helpful in designing a home based business plan.
There is a very useful multimedia online tutorial from CIT Small Business Lending Corporation that goes through an explanation of what your business plan is about. It may also be helpful to look at some sample business plans to fid out what they look like. You may be able to incorporate your ideas into them.
There is also software that you can use to help with your business plan. Planware is a business planning software tool that can help you get a feel for what you want to have in a business plan. There are some free trails that you can take advantage of. If you like what you see you can purchase the software and help draw up your business plan.
Business Plan Pro is software that has great tips on starting up your business plan. Plan Write is another helpful tool that will guide you through the entire business plan process. You will be able to construct marketing plans as well.
BizPlanBuilder is a software that works with Microsoft Word and Excel. You can make up business plans and create some sample business plans. There are also features that you can use on the Internet that work to help you with finances.
Plan Magic is another business plan construction tool that is available. It allows you to create a couple of different business plans and has excellent specialty versions that you can use for specific businesses. This is especially helpful because you can get a feel for what it will be like to write a business plan for a particular business type.
Venture Planning System Pro can be downloaded online. It is a service that you can get through Advantage Venture Systems. You can use the ten day free trial and get a subscription later on if you want.
Business Planner Pro is a good tool to plan your business plan out on. You ill need to have Microsoft Word 2003 and Excel 2003. Analyzing risks and other possibilities can be done with this tool. It is excellent for people that are not the familiar with business plans.
No matter what tool you use you have to have a good strong business plan in order. If you are not able to use any of the tools you should get an opinion about your business plan from a financial planner or small business owner. It is vital that your business plan takes everything that is necessary for a business plan to work into consideration.

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ways To Get Your Web Page Started

Some businesses do not need a huge website to get started. If that is the case there are a few simple steps you can take to get your web page going. The first thing you want to do if figure out what theme you are going to go with for your page. If you are starting a gift basket business or writing a blog about Stocks and Bonds you need to come to a decision what you want to design a web page about. Whatever you are trying to sell should be the subject of your page.
Once you know what you are going to have on your web page you should choose what tools you will need to design it. There are plenty of free HTML editors that you can use to create your page. They are easy tolls that will allow you to write the things you want for your web page. Once you have done that you will be able to search for graphics or clip art to add some style to your page. You can choose a graphic program or pick from pictures that you have stored on your computer.
After you have your web page set up you need to upload it to the Internet. You will need an FTP client to do that. The File Transfer Protocol is a simple tool to use. All you have to do is connect to the Internet and move your web page file from one side of the FTP client to the other. This is how the page will be uploaded.
You will need to learn HTML to create your web page. You will not need to get too extensive with this but you will need to know the basics. As far as what you will need to learn you can get away with knowing just a few HTML tag. For example, you will need to know

, which is a tag that will hold paragraphs. These tags are very simple to learn and are readily available online. You can take a short HTML training course if necessary.
You will need to find a place where you will put your page at. There are a number of different places where you can have your page hosted. There are some programs that are even free. If you ever plan on having an entire site you may want to pay for one of the services that has more features.
Once you have your page out there, you need to let everyone know where it is. Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways to let people know that your page is out there. E-mail your URL to all of the people in your address book. That way everyone that you have an e-mail address for will know that you have a web page.
To get some attention for your web page you should do some link exchanging. Write authors of other web pages that are similar to yours and ask if they want to exchange links. You should also submit your web page to every search engine possible.

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and

Monday, December 22, 2008

A Few Things Freelance Web Designers Should Know

Freelance web designers have their website to rely on. That is the measure by which they will be judged by any prospective clients. If your website was created years ago with a WYSIWYG editor you may want to redo it.
Web design changes with lightening speed. You want to stay on top of the new technology if you expect to get new clients. Creating your website in Dreamweaver is a good idea but you want to know how to do all of the things in Dreamweaver without the program. The reason why you want to be able to hand code is because there are things that are much easier to do by hand than by using Dreamweaver.
As a freelance web designer you should be well versed in Dreamweaver and Photoshop and all of the other programs that can be used to make websites beautiful. However, you also need to know CSS and XHTML. The notion that knowing the front end of Dreamweaver and other software without knowing the back end is not necessarily true. You want to be able to offer clients a number of different options when it comes to your creative skills.
Finding work as a freelance web designer can be tough. However there are a few places that you should get your website posted and advertise for work. If you are looking for any type of freelance work there are a number of sites, such as that you can register with. You will be able to post some clips and other information about what type of services you are offering. Jobs postings from around the country can be found there.
Web designers typically get work online but you might be surprised at how much work you can get form word of mouth. There is always someone that needs a website for something. Some people have a product that they would like to sell online but have no idea how to put a website together. Some schools would like to have a website for one of their sports teams but there is no one the staff that can do it. These are great opportunities that you can get from just talking to people that you know. Make sure that you tell everyone that you are a freelance web designer. You will be surprised at how many people are interested in your services.
It is important to have a rate chart established before you start looking for work. There are plenty of people online that will try to get you to work for much less than what your skills are worth. Check around and see what the standard rates are for whatever applications you are doing. You do not want to spend item doing work for less than what you should be making. Have a rate chart and stick to it. O not let people talk you down on your rates. Offer a money back guarantee if you do not deliver the work when you are supposed to with all of the attributes that are supposed to be there.

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Four Things You Need to Know about Multi Level Marketing

It’s hard to escape pitches for multi level marketing programs. After all, they’re everywhere. Turn on the TV late at night or early in the morning, and you’ll likely find an infomercial for one staring back at you. Check the mail, surf the net, read a newspaper – multi level marketing opportunities are coming at you from all corners. And the pitches really do a great job of making them sound enticing. They all have the same common elements. Someone just like you took a chance one day, and now, after making a small investment, they’re living the high life beyond their wildest dreams and barely working at all to do it. They appeal to your material side, and they appeal to the part of you that wishes that you had all the time in the world to spend with family and friends. So are they for real? Here are four things you need to know about multi level marketing.
The first thing is a biggie – you need to know that being successful at multi level marketing take a huge time commitment. They may make it seems like you can do everything in an hour or two a day, but that doesn’t make it the case. In reality, there is a lot of hard work that needs to be put into one of these plans to make them pay off, and in many cases, they require more work than a “normal” job. If you’re getting into any business opportunity, let alone a multi level marketing one, because you think it’s your ticket to easy street, you’re setting yourself up for failure.
The second thing you should know is related to the first. In addition to suggesting that you can make a ton of money without making a time investment, multi level marketers often tell new recruits that they don’t need any skills to get the job done. All they need is the vision to see the potential in the idea of the business. In fact, multi level marketing requires sales abilities that the vast majority of people lack. This is different from any other sales you will. Your pitch will almost always be unwelcome, you have to try and turn your family and friends into paying customers and you constantly have to search out new clients. It requires a special kind of talent.
Thirdly, despite what the pitch people might say, multi level marketing is hardly the wave of the future and it is not going to drive you local mall out of business. It is a business model that has been around for years and has made very little dent into the retail sale market. The best way to think about is door to door salespeople. Do you see many of them any more? Exactly.
Last but not least, you should know that many multi level marketing plans are pyramid schemes in disguise. You could lose your investment, and if you sign up enough people, you could go to jail for fraud. Tread carefully when it comes to any multi level marketing program.

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and

How to Have A Home Based Business With Children

A home based business can take time away from your children if you aren’t careful. Of course you have the responsibilities of running a business on your own. There are deadlines and invoices to worry about. You can find yourself spending extra hours in the home office trying to get things done.
A good number of home based business owners run into this problem. Taking care of children and keeping the home based business in tact can be very difficult. You can find yourself feeling like you are in a no win situation. However there are ways to keep your business up and running and still have enough time for your children.
Keep your time for family and your business separate. There has to be a routine in place. Just because you work from home you cannot let the home office hold you hostage. Do not spend your day working and then pick up a few more hours in the evening. Part of the reason for working from home is to have some personal freedom but you should still have some sort of schedule. This will help stop the overlapping of time between children and work.
With that said, take into account that sometimes you kids are going to need you. Even though you have set up a schedule and are trying to stick to it, if you children need you, then on that day, you need to revise the schedule. The freedom does work both ways. You really can finish whatever you are working on later, after you give your children the attention that they need.
There has to be some form of child care. If you are a mom or dad that is working from home with children that are infants or toddlers, you will probably need some child care. If you don’t have child care, then you will find yourself not able to work for a decent amount of time.
Your spouse may be the friendly recruit but if you are working opposite shifts, this may infringe on family time. If your spouse is working all day they want to see you and your children when they come home. You may need to seek other babysitting options when you are working.
As your children get older you will need to set some ground rules with your children. As you evolve in your business there will be times that you are working. Let your children know that this is not a time that you can be disturbed. Just as you set ground rules in other situations about what is appropriate and what is not, you need to do that with your home based business.
As children age, you could include them in your home based business. Think about all of the children that helped their parents on farms. Well, you don’t want to get into that type of child labor but if there is something that you children can do, let them help. A home based business often includes the family because of its location. Find something that the kids can do.

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and

Monday, December 8, 2008

How to Earn Extra Money Online

You may think it is impossible to earn extra money online. However, with a little sound advice and positive inspiration you will be on your way to riches.
In order to earn extra money online you need to know what streams of online income are available to you. Once you are aware of the online money-making opportunities that are out there you will then need to choose the one that most suits you.
With that in mind, if you are just now learning how you can earn extra money online you may be wondering exactly which money-making program would truly be best for you. If you are not sure, you may want to stop and think about where you are right now and where you want to be in the future.
Furthermore, you will want to consider what your passion is. If you are not sure at this time then you need to search your heart, and ask your self a few questions. For instance, what did you always want to do with your life that you have not done yet? What are your goals? If you could choose to do anything you want with your life what would it be?
These questions can be answered in any number of ways, either indirectly or directly related to choosing streams of income that will result in profit for you. Depending upon your individual tastes, talents, or desires you may answer the above-mentioned questions differently than the next person, and that is fine.
In fact, that is part of the beauty of making money online. You are allowed to begin to work towards achieving the lifestyle of your dreams.
Once you have searched your heart and you have made up your mind which online business opportunity to participate in it is time for action. You need to sign up for whatever program you think would help you earn the most money using the Internet, and learn how to make that opportunity work for you.
Part of learning how you can earn money online and making a specific opportunity work for you is defining your purpose. For instance, perhaps you have a desire to not only help make your own dreams a reality but to also help others do so. With that, perhaps you have a desire to fulfill a need that others have not been able to up until now.
Examples of needs online marketers often fill include one or more of the following: offering advice and expertise to help others succeed, providing a health product which will improve the quality of peoples' lives, or selling various entertainment media such as MP3 subscriptions.
Other types of needs often filled by individuals who earn extra money online include web design services, automated e-commerce system installation, or advertising space. One of the fastest-growing means of making money online is also within the area of affiliate marketing and SEO which usually are aspects of affiliate marketing-providing valuable information to website visitors.

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and

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