Once you know what you are going to have on your web page you should choose what tools you will need to design it. There are plenty of free HTML editors that you can use to create your page. They are easy tolls that will allow you to write the things you want for your web page. Once you have done that you will be able to search for graphics or clip art to add some style to your page. You can choose a graphic program or pick from pictures that you have stored on your computer.
After you have your web page set up you need to upload it to the Internet. You will need an FTP client to do that. The File Transfer Protocol is a simple tool to use. All you have to do is connect to the Internet and move your web page file from one side of the FTP client to the other. This is how the page will be uploaded.
You will need to learn HTML to create your web page. You will not need to get too extensive with this but you will need to know the basics. As far as what you will need to learn you can get away with knowing just a few HTML tag. For example, you will need to know
, which is a tag that will hold paragraphs. These tags are very simple to learn and are readily available online. You can take a short HTML training course if necessary.
You will need to find a place where you will put your page at. There are a number of different places where you can have your page hosted. There are some programs that are even free. If you ever plan on having an entire site you may want to pay for one of the services that has more features.
Once you have your page out there, you need to let everyone know where it is. Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways to let people know that your page is out there. E-mail your URL to all of the people in your address book. That way everyone that you have an e-mail address for will know that you have a web page.
To get some attention for your web page you should do some link exchanging. Write authors of other web pages that are similar to yours and ask if they want to exchange links. You should also submit your web page to every search engine possible.
Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at http://www.legendaryprofits.com/ and www.pluginprofitsite.com/main-24317.
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