By Brady Vaughn &

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Could Multi Level Marketing Ruin Your Relationships?

When people discuss the negatives of multi level marketing arrangements, they usually focus on the propensities for scams to develop within multi level group ranks and for the way that poorly run multi level marketing scams could end in financial ruin for the person who decides to get involved in one of them. Bad multi level marketing scams have a way of targeting the most desperate among us, and they also target people who simply don’t know any better. The end result of all of this could be a person who has next to nothing to start with ending up with nothing at all in the bank. But that’s the financial fall out. What about the personal fall out? Do you have more to lose by getting involved in a multi level marketing business than just your bank balance? Could you end up losing your friends and loved ones as well? This often ignored by-product of multi level businesses gone wrong is very real, and it could easily happen to you.
First things first: it is important not to malign the entire field of multi level marketing. Some of these set ups are profitable for everyone involved and are completely legitimate businesses. But many of them are not, and by their very nature, you can’t get involved in a multi level marketing plan on your own. For better or worse, your friends and family are coming along for the ride, and that is where the trouble comes into the picture.
Why are your friends and family so important? Well, in multi level marketing, it’s all about the sale. You have to sell products, and you have to recruit new members (in the worst schemes, you don’t sell anything and all you do is recruit new members). But who will you sell to? Look around you. As you become introduced to a multi level marketing program and go through the “training” process, you will be told to go to friends, family, neighbors and acquaintances and to offer them the chance to join up. You’ll need to try and get them to buy things from you. You’ll need to try and convince them to pay membership fees and start selling to their friends like you’re doing to them.
You can see how this could all go horribly wrong. In most cases, your friends and family will resent you putting the hard sell on them – and the hard sell is usually the way it works in multi level marketing plans. Even if you host a “party” to sell your goods or introduce your services, the snacks and drinks are unlikely to ease the discomfort of the fact that your guest feel pressured to buy something from you. Pretty soon, your calls will go unanswered and your social life will dry up. No one wants their friendship exploited as a sales tool.
Multi level marketing is a way many people can make money, but ask yourself at what cost. Don’t get involved in a program that forces you to bleed your family and friends dry to make it.

Brady Vaughn is a successful internet affiliate marketer and teacher of business and the Law of Attraction. Learn more about the projects he is currently working on at and

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